How to start a business without contribution

business without contribution

The creation of a company requires a personal contribution to launch the activity or to convince banking establishments to grant a loan. However, in the case where the entrepreneur does not have the necessary means, the creation of a business without contribution can be envisaged. How to finance the constitution of a company without contribution? To what risks can the entrepreneur be exposed? Overview.

Creating a business without contributions: possible?

When setting up a business creation project and carrying out the various business creation formalities (drafting of articles of association, declaration of business creation, etc.), various points must be studied, in particular financing needs. Indeed, it is important to define whether the entrepreneur needs a contribution or not.

Different means can be used to finance the creation of a business:

What legal status for the creation of a company without contributions?

When setting up a business, the choice of UK Business Database is one of the essential steps. In the case of the constitution of a company without contribution, different legal forms can be envisaged .

Note : however, that the appropriate legal statuses are those that do not impose any obligation concerning the amount of share capital.

Legal statutes not requiring the contribution of share capital

The creation of a company in certain legal forms can be carried out without share capital . These include the following statutes:

EI or Sole Proprietorship;

While some companies can be set up without share capital, others must have it. However, some structures can be created without any minimum capital requirement . These include, among others:

SCEA or civil society of agricultural exploitation;

Good to know : Before creating your company, it is recommended to carry out a SASU simulation , for example in order to compare the SASU to other legal statuses.

Micro-entrepreneur: a particularly suitable status

Among the legal business statuses mentioned above, that of micro-entrepreneur or auto-entrepreneur is one of the most advantageous. Indeed, this legal form was put in place to allow business creators to start their activity without contribution thanks to particularly low creation costs.

Creation of a business without contributions: type of activities

For those who plan to embark on the field of entrepreneurship without any contribution or with a contribution of a small amount, this practice is possible insofar as the envisaged activity allows it. Indeed, in addition to the choice of the appropriate legal structure, the success of the project also depends on the activity.

Note : activities requiring little initial funding are the most appropriate. This is mainly in the area of ​​service provision (consultancy, personal assistance, IT services, etc.).

Depending on the aptitudes and skills of the entrepreneur, various activities can be envisaged.

Some business creators can exploit their desire for mobility by launching activities such as:

For entrepreneurs who like to be in contact with others , this character trait can be exploited to create their business without input. Possible activities include:

Guided tours (of the city of the business creator for example);

The organization of events;

Coaching services for individuals;

Business consulting services according to the skills of the business creator;

The activity of independent home seller or commercial agent;

For those with a special skill

Business creators wishing to launch an activity without contribution can take advantage of a particular skill by offering, for example:

A goodwill;

Or the rental of premises (right to lease, payment of a deposit, etc.);

Materials and the constitution of a stock;

How to finance the creation of a business without contribution?

If in theory, the creation of a business without contribution is possible, in practice, it can be relatively difficult. This difficulty is based in particular on the financing of the setting up of the structure without any contribution from the business creator.

Obtaining a loan for the creation of a business without contribution from a banking establishment is indeed difficult. Indeed, the objective of banks to grant a loan while controlling their risk. With a business creation project without contribution, the establishment fully bears the risks.

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